Q & A
Ques: Who plans the festival and how can I submit recommendations?
Ans: The AOH plans the festival with help from volunteers. You may submit your feedback and recommendations to https://www.adamscountyirishfestival.org/feedback
Ques: My child has a medical disorder preventing him from eating most foods. May I bring special food for him even though no coolers are permitted?
Ans: Please send a private message via Facebook or use the feedback form to contact our festival staff who will work out a plan with you so your child can attend.
Ques: I see no dogs or pets allowed, yet you have Irish Wolfhounds. My dog is little and very friendly. Can I bring her?
Ans: Due to health and safety concerns, dogs and other pets are not permitted on the festival grounds. Service dogs are exempt from this restriction, as are the Irish Wolfhounds that are considered part of our festival entertainment.
Ques: My children are picky eaters and vendor food is expensive. Why can’t I bring our own food?
Ans: The festival is intended to be an immersion in the Irish culture. A variety of foods are available each year, so there should be something for everyone. We work with the vendors to ensure they do not overcharge for their food. The money donated by the vendors helps fund and is an integral part of the festival.
Ques: My parents are disabled and wish to attend the festival. What do I need to know before bringing them?
Ans: The festival is outdoors in a natural setting. As such, there are some sticks, stones, gravel, dips and minor ruts that may be experienced in traveling on the grounds. When you enter the festival grounds, please display a handicapped placard if you have one. If mobility is a concern, ask the gate attendants if you can unload your passengers as close to the festival as possible. We do have handicap accessible portable toilets, and people have attended the festival in the past while wheelchair bound.
Ques: Do you have Irish music sessions or instrument & singing workshops?
Ans: This varies from year-to-year. Please review the entertainment schedule on the entertainment tab for the current year to see what we have scheduled.
Ques: I have an Irish band but can't seem to get booked for the festival. How do bands get booked?
Ans: Brian has been doing a great job on entertainment since this festival began man years ago. He now has a committee reviewing applications, as we receive many, many requests to perform. There are so many great bands to consider for the few stage slots we have. To apply, simply complete the information requested at https://www.adamscountyirishfestival.org/blank